How old are you and where are you located?
30, viviendo en Chicago.
[30, living in Chicago, IL.]
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Soy productor de audio y traductor, trabajo desde casa incluso antes de que la pandemia haya encerrado a casi todos. Cuando no estoy trabajando, estoy nadando, la piscina es mi escape para todo, cuando estoy triste, nadar me levanta el ánimo, cuando estoy feliz, nadar me hará sentir aún mejor.
[I'm an audio producer and translator, I work from home even before the pandemic that has locked down almost everyone. When I'm not working, I'm swimming, the pool is my scape for everything, when I'm sad, swimming will cheer me up, when I'm happy, swimming will make me feel even better.]
What is important for you when choosing underwear?
La comodidad es lo más importante cuando busco nueva ropa interior, el corte y la tela juegan un papel muy importante cuando de ropa interior se trata. Quiero decir, es algo que usas todo el dia, definitivamente tiene que ser lo más comodo posible.
[Comfort is the most important thing when I'm looking for new underwear, the cut and the fabric play an important role when it's about undies shopping, I mean, it's something that you wear all day, it definitely has to be the most comfortable possible.]
How does Badami’s underwear compare/standout to other brands you’ve worn?
[The fabric is perfect, is thin enough to let my skin breathe and feel free and comfortable, but at the same time it holds everything it has to, I call them my 'go-to' underwear because I don't have to think much about which style or color I want to wear, I'll just grab it in the morning and wear it.]
How has toxic masculinity affected you personally? How have you/are you working to grow from it?
Creo que afceta solo si tu lo permites, trabajar en tener un autoestima fuerte es una tarea del día a día, sentirte libre y ser tú mismo no debería ser categorizado o una razón para sentirte avergonzado.
[I think it affects you only if you let it, working on a strong personality is an everyday task, feeling free and being yourself should not be categorized or a reason to feel shame.]
What would it mean for you and for others that look like you to be represented more in underwear advertisements?
Quiero que se sientan orgullosos de ellos mismos por dentro y por fuera, que no hay estereotipos de belleza o masculinidad, que la confianza comienza con uno mismo, cómo te tratas a tí mismo, no como otros te tratan a ti.
[I want them to feel proud with themselves inside and outside, that there's not any stereotype of beauty or masculinity, that confidence starts with yourself, how you treat yourself, not how others treat you.]
How have you witnessed your own manhood (or manhood as a whole) evolve in the last few years?
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A beautiful man, inside and out!
— Mickey